Obelia is a genus of hydrozoans, a class of animals primarily found in marine environments (although some species exist in freshwater) that go through different life stages, alternating between polyp and medusa forms.
Hydrozoans belong to the phylum Cnidaria, which includes aquatic organisms, mainly found in marine environments, with relatively simple body structures.
In English-speaking countries, Obelia is often called “sea fur” due to the appearance of its colonies, which from a distance can resemble a furry texture.
In the close-up images in this post, one can see a specimen of Obelia in its “medusa” form and another showing an enlarged view of an Obelia colony. The medusa individuals are born from the polyps within the colony.
This is one of the three artworks from the “Creatures of the Gelatinous World” series exhibited at the plankton exhibition “MICROCEANO – Journey into the Invisible Marine World” at Miramare Castle in Trieste, from June 5th to June 20th, 2021.
In collaboration with:
@ampmiramare @ogs_it @wwfitalia @lorenzopetercastelletto_photos.
Text source: Wikipedia
Year: 2020
Client: Simone Zoccante / Diorama Nature
Software: Adobe Photoshop
Dimension (for Print): 200 x 200 cm @ 300 dpi
Dimension (in Pixel): 23622 x 23622 px
If you are interested in using this image for your projects and works you can contact me and we can discuss about licensing.
All images © Simone Zoccante 2018-2023. Please do not reproduce without the expressed written consent of Simone Zoccante.