BLACK RHINOCEROS | π˜‹π˜ͺ𝘀𝘦𝘳𝘰𝘴 𝘣π˜ͺ𝘀𝘰𝘳𝘯π˜ͺ𝘴

BLACK RHINOCEROS (Diceros bicornis)

The Black Rhinoceros is certainly one of the most imposing and majestic species in the entire African continent.

It is not the largest rhinoceros overall (the largest being the White Rhinoceros), but it still reaches impressive dimensions. Males stand at around 170-180 cm (67-71 inches) at the shoulder, while females are smaller, starting at around 140 cm (55 inches). They can weigh between 800 and 1800 kg (1760-3968 lbs), with females typically weighing about 100 kg (220 lbs) less than males of the same size.

However, the Black Rhinoceros is not only known for its size but especially for the two horns present on its snout, the larger of which, the frontal horn, can exceed 130 cm (51 inches) in length.

Rhinos are known to indulge in long mud baths, especially during the hottest hours of the day, like this individual just emerging from the muddy pool where it seeks relief from the scorching African sun.

Mud baths are essential for rhinos as they help regulate their body temperature and protect their skin from sunlight and parasites. In drier areas or seasons, dust baths replace mud baths.

The depicted individual was caught while still covered in fresh mud, as it was moving away from the pool and heading towards a shady spot to rest for a while.

It assumes a typical alert posture: ears erect, capturing every slight sound; nostrils flared, sniffing the identity of the visitor; a firm and steady stance.

I wanted to portray it as if it had sensed our presence, crouched behind a thorny bush, and was deciding whether to appear threatening or completely ignore our presence.


Year: 2020

Client: Simone Zoccante / Diorama Nature

Software: Adobe Photoshop

Dimension (for Print): 168,2 x 118,8 cm @ 300 dpi

Dimension (in Pixel): 19866 x 14031 px

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All images Β© Simone Zoccante 2018-2023. Please do not reproduce without the expressed written consent of Simone Zoccante.