Magnapaulia laticaudus


It’s dawn in an Araucaria forest of Baja California.
In the placid and golden morning air, clouds of steam shine in the sunlight.

Suddenly, a group of Magnapaulia emerges from the morning mists.
When the herd moves, the earth trembles, and in one of the puddles of water that formed on the ground after the rains, a young Deinosuchus flees to avoid being trampled by the enormous ornithopods.

The Magnapaulia in the foreground lingers under a blooming magnolia, attracted by the play of water with the light of the rising sun.

In this work, I have tried to reconstruct, based on the information I found, an environment of the “El Gallo formation”, one of the Mexican fossiliferous formations dating back to the late Cretaceous, featuring the most famous dinosaur of the formation: Magnapaulia laticaudus.

In the work, I have also included a young Deinosuchus, even though I am aware that it is not present in the fossil record of the formation, its presence in northern Mexico (not far from Baja California) prompted me to include it in the work.

This work was exhibited at the exhibition “The wonders of paleontology – meeting between art and science” held on the occasion of the annual paleontological conference of @spi_paleo.


Year: 2021

Client: Simone Zoccante / Diorama Nature

Software: Adobe Photoshop

Dimension (for Print): 118,8 x 84 cm @ 300 dpi

Dimension (in Pixel): 14029 x 9921 px

If you’re interested in commissioning me a similar painting or to buy the licensing rights of this artwork, feel free to contact me at Thank you.

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All images Β© Simone Zoccante 2018-2023. Please do not reproduce without the expressed written consent of Simone Zoccante.