Saltriovenator zanellai
There was a time, when Northern Italy was a tropical archipelago, formed by idyllic islands, with pink or white shores andΒ crystal-clear emerald waters.
A small bit of paradise, that today we can see on postcards from the Maldives or the Caribbean.
That untouched paradise though, was far from being free of danger.
At that time (Early Jurassic) in those lands roamed a large theropod, the first known Ceratosaurid: Saltriovenator zanellai.
It was probably longer than 7 meters, definetly an animal you wouldn’t want to encounter, during a morning stroll in a forest on the coast.
Year: 2022
Client: Simone Zoccante / Diorama Nature
Software: Adobe Photoshop
Dimension (for Print): —
Dimension (in Pixel): —
If youβre interested in commissioning me a similar painting or to buy the licensing rights of this artwork, feel free to contact me at simonezoccante@gmail.com. Thank you.

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All images Β© Simone Zoccante 2018-2023. Please do not reproduce without the expressed written consent of Simone Zoccante.